Saturday morning after working on the site, I sat down outside on the cement foundation to rest my back on one of the huge round pillars. A bright sun warmed me in the chill air, and I was filled with feelings of gratitude and pleasure. How fortunate I am to be part of creating this building. As I looked to the east, the Cascades caped in snow, under an intense blue and sereen sky, I saw Tibet. Memories returned of the pilgrimage, almost 5 years ago, with lamas Pema and Yeshe. The similarities so striking; those vistas of mountains, prayer flags, the winds and birds. This Meditation Center is a pilgrimage for the sangha and the wider community. The paths that will find their way here, the transformations and blessings that will take place here, carrying far the dharma of compassion and wisdom. An enormous thank you to our lamas Pema and Yeshe for their courage, dedication and devotion, helping us all to bring a big aspiration into fulfillment. How like Tibet this all looks this morning. Tears came as I thought of us keeping alive the precious storehouse and practices of the dharma